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West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog


Scopes Monley Trial

This Week in History – John Scopes Arrested for Teaching Evolution


Photo: Evangelist T.T. Martin’s books against the theory of evolution were sold at an outdoor stand in Dayton, Tennessee, scene of the Scopes Monkey Trial (Source: Associated Press).

West Palm Beach criminal defense attorney Kelly V. Landers recalls events of significance that occurred this week in history.

On May 3, 2006, a federal jury sentenced Zacarias Moussaoui to life in prison in connection with the 9/11 attacks.

On May 4, 1970, four student were killed and eight wounded by an Ohio National Guardsmen at Kent State University during antiwar demonstrations.

On May 5, 1925, John Scopes was arrested in Tennessee for teaching the theory of evolution.

On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard made the first American manned spaceflight.

On May 6, 1877, Oglala Sioux Chief Crazy Horse surrendered to U.S. troops in Nebraska.


Quote:  When you teach your son, you teach your Son’s son.-The Talmud


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Photo of the Week



