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West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog


Protect Your Fouth Amendment Rights by Supporting HR 1852


Congress is currently considering the E-mail Privacy Act (HR 1852), a bi-partisan bill that would update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA).  ECPA was passed in 1986, when e-mail was not widely used and cloud storage was unforeseen.

HR 1852 would amend the ECPA to prohibit providers of remote computing or electronic communication services from knowingly divulging to any governmental entity the contents of any communication that is in electronic storage or otherwise maintained by the provider. Without HR 1852, government entities such as the NSA, IRS, DEA, and even local government agencies would be able to obtain e-mail records and documents stored in the cloud without first obtaining a warrant.

The E-mail Privacy Act (HR 1852) would ensure that all government agencies obtain a warrant before accessing personal and private online communications.

If you think the government should obtain a warrant to access personal electronic information such as e-mails and stored documents, call your Representative as soon as possible and tell him or her to co-sponsor the E-mail Privacy Act (HR 1852).

Your call will only take a few minutes, but will have a dramatic impact on preserving the privacy rights enshrined in the Fourth Amendment.   For more information, visit the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

