Drinking and Driving is a Hazardous Combination
Kelly Landers / 0 Comments /
Despite efforts by countless awareness programs, drinking and driving remains a serious, punitive offense in the state of Florida. Though progress has been made since the rampant DUI problem of the 1980s and early 1990s, Florida still has a massive amount of drunk drivers addressed by the court system every year, with 33,625 DUI convictions in Florida in 2011.
It is well known that drinking impairs driving ability. But if we haven’t identified a designated driver for the evening, it is easy to put ourselves – and other drivers – at risk. We may be at the blood alcohol level where judgment is impaired (i.e., we don’t think we’re that drunk). Often, we misjudge. But this is a dangerous game, as drunk driving laws have grown stiffer with each year. And with good reason – drunk driving kills.
An estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. All states in the U.S. have adopted .08% BAC (blood alcohol concentration) as the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle for drivers aged 21 years or older.
At Kelly V. Landers, P.A. Criminal Law, we will work with you to help you present your best possible defense if you face drunk driving charges. We understand that mistakes are made, when judgment is compromised. We promise not to judge you: we are on your side.